Computer Science Courses

These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学术部门,与 counseling or refer to the current 课程安排和学院目录.

视觉思考者的计算机编程    ( 3.00 - Units )
Students work within 2D and 3D virtual worlds to create interactive games, stories and animations. Programs are assembled using a drag-and-drop interface to bypass the abstract syntax rules required by conventional languages. Topics covered include variables, data types, expressions, input/output, logic and control flow, loops, functions, parameters, arrays, recursion, flowcharts, graphics, animation, 3D modeling, and computer game design.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 使用各种元素构建小程序, such as variable, I/O, conditionals, loops, functions, expressions, and parameters.
  2. 画一个流程图来表示给定算法的逻辑结构.
  3. Use skills gained in the course to design and program an original game, story or animation.

CSCI 7 -计算机编程概念入门    ( 3.00 - Units )
Introduction to computer programming for nonscience majors and for students requiring additional preparation before taking Computer Science 10 or Computer Science 14. Hardware, system software basics, the history of computing, basic computer operations, number systems, design of algorithms, 以及诸如变量之类的编程结构, expressions, input/output, decision-making, loops, functions, and parameters.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 能够用标准符号绘制流程图,显示逻辑流的添加, subtract, divide, and multiply two numbers. 检测输入的两个数字是否为有效数字,以及任何“除零”.
  2. code void and value-returning functions with value and reference parameters and use them in a program
  3. 演示程序开发中涉及的步骤
  4. 制作文档完备,用户友好的短到中等长度的程序
  5. 描述一台典型计算机的主要硬件组成部分.g. main memory, secondary storage, CPU, input and output peripheral devices) and what function or part that each component performs when the computer system is functioning.

CSCI 8 - Computer Literacy    ( 3.00 - Units )
计算机入门,包括:Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Multimedia, the internet, browsers, World Wide Web, 了解使用中的计算机软件类型,包括编程语言, electronic mail, computer-based careers and trends, 以及当今社会的其他计算问题. 以前不需要电脑经验. Course recommended for students of any major who want to learn about computers and how to use them. 动手实验经验强化讲座.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 使用表构造一个基本的数据库应用程序, 使用Microsoft Access输入表单和报表
  2. 演示标题的正确使用, footers, page numbering, footnotes, margin spacing, character properties and tables in word processing using Microsoft Word from the appropriate menu options.
  3. Develop a basic self calculating spreadsheet using formulas and functions in Microsoft Excel from the correct menu options recognizing these capabilities' use in a Business environment.

CSCI 10 - Visual BASIC编程入门.NET    ( 4.00 - Units )
Introduction to computer programming using Microsoft’s programming language Visual BASIC.NET for Windows. 课程内容包括编程算法开发,Visual Studio.NET’s IDE, 语言的基本句法和语法, object event procedures, input/output, looping techniques, decision logic, variable data types, 函数和子程序以及文本文件和数据库操作. Intended for a general audience with little or no prior formal programming experience.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Recognize the functionally and ease of windows based user interface (IDE) for programs written in Visual Basic.NET by selecting and understanding which of the proper or available objects controls to embed on the Form and to code the proper event that each of those objects "detect" when the program is executing. 讨论基于窗口的、韦德1946网站驱动的语言相对于. 较旧的“命令行提示符语言”,如C或c++.
  2. Use of graphics, sound, mouse and timer based capabilities within a Visual Basic application
  3. Using and concept of loops (i.e. for and while). When is a loop appropriate to the logic and which particular type of loop is best to use in that situation.
  4. Recognize the functionally and ease of windows based user interface for programs written in Visual Basic.NET by selecting and understanding which of the proper or available objects controls to embed on the Form and to code the proper event that each of those objects "detect" when the program is executing. 讨论基于窗口的、韦德1946网站驱动的语言相对于. 较旧的“命令行提示符语言”,如C或c++.

CSCI 14 - c++结构化编程入门    ( 4.00 - Units )
介绍结构化程序设计和使用c++语言解决问题. Problem solving techniques, algorithm design, testing and debugging techniques, and documentation standards. C++ syntax: elementary operators, data types, control structures, 用户定义函数和库函数, basic input/output, sequential files, arrays and structs. 适合很少或没有编程经验的学生, 但能熟练使用带有现代GUI操作系统的计算机.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Code void and value-returning functions with value and reference parameters and use them in a program
  2. 演示程序开发中涉及的步骤
  3. 制作文档完备,用户友好的短到中等长度的程序
  4. Understand the mechanics under C++ of passing argument values by values and by reference to a function. Given the relevant code, the student will demonstrate their knowledge of parameter passing by correctly determining what would be output of that function.

面向对象程序设计方法    ( 4.00 - Units )
采用面向对象的编程方法进行设计, program, 测试和记录中级问题. 包括字符串和字符串对象, multidimensional arrays, pointers, dynamic allocation, classes, overloaded functions, inheritance and polymorphism, introduction to linked lists. Designed to satisfy Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) guidelines for CS I as required for Computer Science and related transfer majors.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Define, design and use simple classes, 包括至少一个使用类继承层次结构的项目.
  2. 使用指针表示法操作数组.
  3. Manipulate objects in standard class libraries such as strings, vectors and streams.
  4. 使用new操作符实现单链表.

面向对象的Java程序设计方法    ( 4.00 - Units )
采用面向对象的编程方法进行设计, program, 测试和记录Java语言中的中级问题. Overview of Java syntax, control structures, methods, I/O, strings, 单数组和多维数组, recursion and exception handling. 抽象数据类型和面向对象的编程原理,包括类, information hiding, aggregation, inheritance, 方法重写和多态. 介绍使用javax的图形用户界面(gui)和小程序.swing package. Dynamic allocation and de-allocation of memory; comparison of Java references with pointers in C++. 链表的实现和使用. Designed to satisfy Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) guidelines for CSI as required for Computer Science and related transfer majors.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. construct a class hierarchy
  2. 演示程序开发中涉及的步骤
  3. 制作文档完备,用户友好的短到中等长度的程序
  4. Write program incorporating basic exception handling technique: try-catch and throw

CSCI 20 -数据结构入门    ( 4.00 - Units )
Design and implementation of larger projects using object-oriented software engineering principles. 强调数据结构的定义和使用. 包括抽象数据类型的规范, recursion, dynamic memory allocation, stacks, linked lists, priority queues, graphs, binary trees, heaps, sorting and searching, algorithm analysis, hashing techniques, random access files.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Define a stack ADT and implement a stack ADT as array (or vector) and as a linked list.
  2. 设计和编码一个500行或更多的完整程序.
  3. 解释递归是如何实现的.
  4. 使用指针表示法操作数组.
  5. Write recursive methods.

计算机组织与汇编语言程序设计    ( 4.00 - Units )
Basics of machine architecture, machine language, assembly language, 操作系统和高级语言接口. Data representation, 指令表示与执行, 寻址技术和宏的使用. Space and time efficiency issues. 输入/输出包括数字转换和系统中断的使用. 中断处理和中断处理程序. 过程,包括参数传递和链接到更高级别的语言.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 能够编写一个简单的中断处理程序.
  2. Define the term interrupt
  3. Define the term interrupt handler and discuss how interrupts happen and how they are handled.
  4. 演示对CPU寄存器功能的熟悉程度
  5. 设计并编写一个简单的中断处理程序

CSCI 28 - Discrete Mathematics    ( 3.00 - Units )
Sets, relations and functions; logic, methods of proof, induction; combinatorics, discrete probability, recursion, and recurrence relations; graphs and trees; logic circuits; finite state machines. 专为数学和计算机科学专业设计.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 用逻辑方法批判性地分析数学问题.
  2. 沟通数学思想,理解定义,解释概念.
  3. 提高理解数学概念的信心, 交流思想和分析思维.

CSCI 41 - Introduction to UNIX    ( 2.00 - Units )
UNIX操作系统功能, introduction to Perl, 初级批处理程序设计与C语言编译. Components of a UNIX system, common commands, directory and file management, UNIX editors, shells, 电子邮件和用户通信, C语言开发环境, Internet resources.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 在UNIX环境下设计和开发一个基本C程序的逻辑. This task requires a working knowledge of one oth the available UNIX text editors, UNIX环境的文件目录结构, file security permissions under UNIX as well as basic programming practices and procedures
  2. 区分单用户和多用户系统
  3. 编辑、编译并运行一个简单的C程序
  4. 识别UNIX系统的主要组件
  5. Set the proper Owner, Group, Other security permissions on the relevant individual subdirectories and files to let the Instructor (Other) read and execute their assignments on their individual student accounts.
  6. 使用UNIX ASCII编辑器之一 construct a basic HTML web page on their account, 设置适当的安全权限, import images and a sound file into their UNIX account and allow anonymous users from the web to see that web page on our UNIX server.
  7. 使用UNIX ASCII编辑器之一, the student should be able to write the source code for an elementary C program and then compile that program using the built in C compiler

UNIX工具,Shell编程和系统管理概念    ( 2.00 - Units )
对UNIX工具有更多的经验. Enhanced shells. Emphasis on Linux variant of UNIX. Basic networking concepts. Writing and testing shell scripts. Processes and scheduling. Security issues. Basis System administration.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 70% of students will be able to analyze problems and design UNIX solutions using shell command files and scripts.
  2. 70% of students will be able to Develop and test Unix programming scripts by using different types of Unix shells
  3. 70% of students will be able to provide the main UNIX system administration tasks such as creating and managing user’s accounts on network servers.
  4. 70% of student will be able to use advanced UNIX utilities and introduction to system programming.